Who is Unplugged Ambition for?

Who is Unplugged Ambition for?

Unplugged Ambition is home to a diverse bunch of folk from 21 countries.

We are all working towards a position where we able to generate our income from applying our talents and skills towards goals we are passionate about, rather than doing a job that doesn't fulfil us.

Some examples of the ventures our members are actively pursuing or working in after corporate careers include:

  • Farming and other land-based pursuits
  • Coaching
  • Travel
  • Freelance Writing
  • Public Sector Work
  • Photography
  • Book Writing
  • Sports instructing

We ask members to place themselves in one of four categories:

Curious - these members aren't 100% sure that they want to give up the corporate life, but are interested in the ideas discussed and events we hold. 25% of our members fit in this category.

Lost/stuck - these members have taken steps along the path but for various reasons may feel confused or overwhelmed as to how to move forward. 30% of our members fit in this category. We give them practical information and advice as well as

Working on reality - these members have set their goal and are working towards a point where they are able to support themselves full-time from their passion. 15% of our members fit in this category.

Achievers - these members are months, years or even decades into living the alternative entrepreneur lifestyle and are here to help other members with their experience and insight. 30% of our members fit in this category.

We're confident you'll find kindred spirits and practical support and advice from people with similar experiences if you:

  • Are unhappy, stressed and unfulfilled working in a corporate role
  • Are actively planning a new business, side-hustle or career change
  • Are many years into an alternative lifestyle, and want to 'give back', share your expertise and help others to transition
  • Have recently quit or left a corporate role and are contemplating your immediate or longer-term career choices
  • Want to connect with, and form productive long-term relationships on similar journeys

Many of our members carved out senior, global roles in fields such as marketing and operations before starting over. It makes for stimulating discussions, and a solid business-practical context to our work.

Members help each other by running workshops, producing materials which give an insight into different careers and collaborating on projects. Your perfect skill-match partner might be a member already!

Members have given the following feedback:

"It's real, different, full of experience and authenticity."
|"So far, it feels like a safe space and a taste of what a healthy, wholesome egalitarian community could be like 💛"
"The camaraderie. The ambition. The drive to create something new and better in the world."
"There’s nothing else like it and it’s an ideal resource for me at this time in my life."
"Incredibly articulate, insightful people sharing so candidly."