Buying Bliss: How our brains keep us spending
By understanding how dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol shape our spending, we begin to perceive an opportunity to engage with ourselves more deeply.
Re-setting the money-dopamine balance with No Spend Days
The Beauty of Letting Go: Embracing Humility and Authenticity in a World Obsessed with Status
In a society that idolizes success, the relentless pursuit of
The Amygdala and Money
This piece forms part of a series of articles looking at freeing ourselves from beliefs about money which no longer serve us.
SKINT: Ten Ways I gained from being broke
Can you consider alternative entrepreneurship a “success” if you barely earn any money from it?
Let me tell you a little about my journey…
Living with swans
Organization Manager Katherine Pomfret reflects on downsizing, living in nature and others' insistence that the corporate world is real.