We move fast in the community so we can't trail everything: sometimes topics come up through our chat channels and we build tools rapidly.

Here we let members and visitors know what is coming up in the next 30 days.

  • Our major publication "Just 12 Things: From Toxic Traps to True Meaning" will be published in a publicly accessible-overview and in 12 paid workbooks for members only
  • We have two member-led events focusing on the experience of setting up an alterative entrepreneurial side-hustle: one focuses on crafts and art, the other on local community leadership
  • Our Freedom to Dare Course is being turned into a self-guided programme. This extensive programme aiming to free participants from old beliefs about money that keeps them trapped in jobs they don't enjoy, will be available at a (low!) add-on cost.
  • We're building alternative end of year and new year resources for those interested in going beyond resolutions
  • We're building out the resources in the relationships sector of the website