Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Flower from the hotel gardens May 2024

Here we let you know what's coming up. If you've requested a topic or submitted a post, this is where'll you find out when it's scheduled for publication.

In the next 30 days:

  • "Four years in feels like this": Samantha Kay, now an in-demand wedding photographer, reflects on what she wishes she knew when she left her office job, the realities of alternative entrepreneurialism, and why the challenge for growth never stops
  • Matthew Mahabadi on " Enabling mass consumerism vs paying your mortgage. How do you justify your professional choices to your kids?"
  • UK Van Life: the law, the loopholes, the lifestyle by Katherine Pomfret
  • "The Joy of Keeping Things to Yourself": not every experience requires a social media commentary by Lauren Ridgway
  • "This fresh hell: Four decades in tech marketing": Insights from a legend. What's changed and why conditions for today's tech marketers are the least humane they've been(Pseudonym used)
  • "The cost of success": Global engineering leader reflects on learning to live after retirement, when your life has been devoted to your career (Psuedonym used)
  • From B2B Sales and Marketing to driving a bus: why contentment is to be found in the slow lane and ego is a burden by Darrel Griffin
  • The Machofication of Wilderness and The Glamourisation of Wilderness. Twin pieces by Katherine Pomfret on how social media has disrupted our natural relationship with the natural world, even as it has sought to celebrate it.
  • "Building a photography business with a point of view: the side hustle that helps me keep the faith" by Katherine Novelli
  • "Mission Aborted" by Katherine Pomfret: why it can take many efforts to make your escape and why a failed attempt is no failure at all
  • And more...including tales from the country house hotel, adventures with swans, job board madness (a hilarious and eyewatering regular feature from Lauren Ridgway) and some super exciting pieces we can't promote just yet....check back as we'll update this page as we commission new pieces or receieve submissions.