Get involved

Get involved
Camping in the Northern Lake District, September 2022

Unplugged Ambition is a place like no other I could find.

I built it because it's needed and no-one else had got round to it. I built it for US.

Here's how you can be part of it:

Speak your mind

You can write honestly, here, without needing to self-censor or self-promote for the benefit of recruiters. We invite long comments in response to posts and dveelopment of discussions, not just sycophancy or celebration.

Meet fellow travellers

Unplugged Ambition is membership only. The only people you are speaking with here are those seeking to create, support themselves and use their talents for meeaningful purposes.

We are looking to complete a Discord integration, which will allow members to DM each other to continue conversations and connections from the site further.

Many members will share experiences of leadership and high-pressure commercial roles. We are a highly skilled, intelligent, resourceful and powerful bunch. It's our goal that Unplugged Ambition becomes a place for such people to find each other, support each other and possibly go on and do things together that are bigger and better than this site or anything else the world has seen! (Bigger and Better could mean a small goat's milk yoghurt van that tours Southern Italy...$$ is never the goal).

We aren't quitters or drop-outs: we are highly ambitious for ourselves, each other and our planet. We just don't see that acting like knobs and sacrificing ourselves for dollars is the way to achieve anything much.

Submit requests for content

If there are topics you'd like me to write about, or find writers for, use the Contact Page and the Submit Request dropdown.

Submit content

For now, I can't pay contributors (see below). But I will waive subscription fees for a month for anyone contributing an accepted article for that month or for as long as that post is attracting comments and questions.

I particularly welcome content on of these topics:

  • Deprogramming after toxic workplaces
  • The challenges of professional life
  • Finding joy and peace through nature, crafts and arts
  • Alternative Entrepreneurialism
  • Alternative lifestyles, including self-sufficiency, vanlife, communal living
  • Career changing for wellbeing and self-fulfilment
  • Side hustle protocols and reflections
  • Non-Westerns perspectives on all of the above

Vote for topics and the direction of the site

As a community site, members will get a vote on the direction of the site including regular features, any future decisions around advertising, platform integrations and commissioned content. This is our place.

Get commissioned for content

If and when the site is generating revenue sufficient, I will be looking to commission writers / photpgraphers and other artists to produce content, for probably a small fee in the region of $200 or $300.

This is aimed to give a first foot to those looking to generate income outside of their paid corporate role, rather than to extend the income of those already freelancing; experienced writers are welcome to submit although our fees won't match your regular gigs. We keep the fee low to give opportunity to as many as possible.

If you are financially and psychologically in a position where writing for free is an option, then you're in very good company.

When we are able, we will award grants for those wishing to explore and reskill with a view to changing careers.

These will be in the region of £500-£600 (ie these are for week-long intro courses; we cannot fund degrees!) and will represent match funding for your own investment (ie we will pay up to 50% of the course fees).

A requirement will be that you document your experience or reflections on the site, to inspire and educate others. We will prioritise those who would benefit from the financial and psychological support such grants offer.

These opportunities will only be available to members. Please don't contact us yet about this as we are not yet generating income. Application rounds will be announced with good notice and yes these grants are available internationally.

Pay it forward

I know from my DMs there are a lot of people years or even decades into alternative living, post-corporate life, activism for wellbeing.

I'd love it if Unplugged Ambition became a place for you to spend time sharing your experience and support for those at earlier stages of transitioning into meaning.

If this is of interest to you and the subscription fee is a real barrier, let me know. Money is not the only language we speak!

I will launch a page to feature links and profiles of the sites of any member embarking on or already active in initiatives or businesses in line with our site ethos: use your talents and energies for meaningful purposes.

Being featured is free. Use the Contact Page and Select "Promote my gig" in the dropdown.

Note: this is not a place to promote your marketing consultancy services or . Knitting blankets? Selling your pottery online? Setting up an eco B and B? Offering end of life admin or spiritual settling services? All good. Running a course on building a personal brand - not for promo here please.

Become UA 'Staff'

It's possible that a couple of moderation, support, contributor liasion and member services posts may be available, if the site grows. These roles and any others will only be recruited externally if no current member is interested.

Again, it is our intention that these roles enable those looking to transition away from toxic environments and purposeless companies, by providing a small additional income and a supportive environment to work. We don't need a Head of Content just yet! (Well arguably we do but we can't afford it!)