Freedom to dare: Rethinking our ideas about money

Freedom to dare: Rethinking our ideas about money

Our first monthly programme kicks off on August 1st.

Course Description

The number one reason members report staying in jobs they find stressful, unfulfilling or frustrating is: they can't 'afford' to leave.

Dreams, passions and talents are put to one side because we're addicted to the paycheck: we are literally selling our souls.

In a world that often equates security and happiness with material possessions, it can be difficult to remodel attitudes to money influenced by childhood, and reinforced by consumerist societies.

Yet often, our understanding of what is 'enough' and our associations of money with security, status and responsibility, lead us to vastly misjudge the role of money in our, and our families' wellbeing.

Redefining Wealth: Embracing Purpose over Profit invites you to explore and transform your relationship with money and material success as a key enabler to pursuing more fulfilling work and activities.


Some of the topics we will cover are:

  • The money-happiness connection: is it real?
  • Understanding and unpicking family, social and other influences on our money mindset
  • Vulnerability and courage: examining our definitions of security
  • Practical experiments in expenditure designed to help you change your attitudes to consumption and spending and give you more confidence in contemplating a change in income
  • Monthly budgeting through new eyes (with accountability buddy)
  • Minamalism: principles and practices from a range of schools of thought
  • Case studies in downsizing
  • Radical downsizing and alternative lifestyles

All topics are related back to psychological research, including neurobiology, attachment theory and trauma recovery, and social theory research where relevant.

There is no 'agenda' to push participants to move permanently in any direction. The course is for you alone.

Reading List

A full and detailed recommended reading list with exclusive notes (comprising podcasts, books, articles and video resources) will be made available to each course participant at the mid-point of the course, as we move into thinking about how we continue our personal journeys after the course.

This comprises resources on changing mindsets, minamalism, frugal living, financial independence and wellbeing.

Course Format

Participants will receive new input every 2-4 days including:

  • Readings (unique content as well as summaries and extracts of research and frameworks from a variety of experts)
  • Guided exercises to complete and discuss in cohorts
  • Daily and Weekly Challenges that are fun, spark discussion and give us more confidence in ourselves
  • Invitations to meet in an online cohort
  • Video resources
  • Whole-programme meetings, at different times so that all participants globally should be able to make at least one meeting (note we do not record these sessions as they can be highly personal)

Course Objective

  • To get all participants more comfortable in embracing an income drop in pursuit of greater fulfilment, from both practical and emotional perspectives
  • To help participants identify easy areas to cut their spending on either a test or permanent basis
  • To help participants identify and practice joy-giving and fulfulling pursuits outside of the consumerist model

Time commitment

You will need to spend a minimum of 8 hours on the programme over the course of one month.

There are opportunities to go as deep as you want and the full materials and exercises should offer increasing value up to around 30-40 hours of study and practice, much of this extending after the duration of the course (ie not all in August!)

Is this for me?

Yes, if any of the following apply:

  • You feel trapped in a career because of the income it brings
  • You want to put your talents and energies into something that inspires you, but feel you cannot for financial reasons
  • You suffer envy, avarice, guilt or fearfulness around money or a non-mindful approach to money
  • You feel a responsibility to others to earn money (eg parents who funded your education; a partner who you support)
  • You are interested in improving your mental health through finding new, free and low-cost sources of joy
  • You are interested in the principles of wellbeing and joyful living
  • You do not have time to read multiple books on this topic and want a distillation and variety of frameworks and approaches you can apply

Enrol Now

Enrollment is available to all Paid Members of Unplugged Ambition at zero cost through our Discord Channel.

If you are not yet a paid member, you can join from as little as $4.50 per month with no ongoing commitment. We will then send you a link to the enrollment form and this programme will be included for you in your membership, as it is for our 150 existing paid members.

Future courses will be priced at around the $80 mark, so this is a great opportunity to trial our new format programmes without needing to financially invest (kind of apt, hey!)