

We run events at least weekly, on a broad range of topics.

As we span 21 countries most of our events are online, but we also have local meet-ups and are working on our first annual retreat, to be hosted in Belize at a member's farm.

All events can be booked and accessed via our Discord Channel.

When places are available for free members, these will be emailed and in the event of limited places will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis through completion of a form.

Here we outline the next upcoming events.

When Your Resolve Is Tested: Coffee and Chat

Thursday July 25

8AM CET / 7AM BST / 15.30 ACST / 11PM PST

A coffee-chat style meeting (share and question) open to all paid members following the publication of "Talking to Others About Your Plans for Change" and the accompanying "Exercises to Support You in Communicating Decisions to Others".

Workplace Wellbeing: Insights from an Expert

Tuesday July 30th

9am EST / 2pm BST /3pm CET / 6am PST / 11pm AEST

Member Pete Johnson works for a charity based in Wales called Platfform leading Platfform Wellbeing.

This is a newly formed project promoting a relational approach to workplace wellbeing derived from the 30 year+ history of Platfform's work in communities across Wales.

The work thinks about our understanding of mental health and how workplace culture and environment can create conditions that aren't healthy.

For paid members only.

August Intention Setting

July 31st

9pm BST / 4pm EST / Midnight PST / 10pm CET

Whilst planning and other goal-orientated tools are helpful for us when our objective and the means to achieve it are clear, they are less relevant when the task at hand is: who am I? what do I want? how do I find a purpose in my life?

Drawing on the concept of Sankalpa, from the yogic and vedic traditions, we will work through some exercises to help us prepare for a spiritually and psychically productive August, whatever that means for us as individuals.

For paid members only.

Exclusive Q and A with Roman Eggenberger

Saturday August 1st

8pm BST / 9pm CET / 3pm EST / 12 noon PST

In a real coup we are hosting a members-only Q and A with Roman Eggberger.

A global inspiration in his move from banking to barista and founder of the #portfoliohuman movement Roman is blessing us by giving us the chance to bring all our questions to him.

We will be recording the session so all members can benefit but please attend in person so you can put your questions to the man in person.

For paid members. Limited places for free members (first-come, first-served)

From Curious to Committed with Adrien Colombie

Sunday September 1st
16.30 ASCT, 11am CET, 8am BST AND recording available for paid members only

More information coming very soon.

Available to free members and paid members

North Wales and North-West England Meet Up (All Welcome to Travel)

Saturday 13th September

10am meet (BST)

We will decide on a location together once we know who is interested in attending.

We will undertake a mindfulness walk in nature. This will involve periods of 20 minutes walking gently in silence followed by guidance and reflection.

We will also have breaks for sketching, reading, yoga, photography, journalling or other meditation.

We will then have lunch together at a reasonably-priced pub.

Anyone wishing to camp over (or stay over in a building!) please contact Katherine, as we can then look to schedule activities later in the day on Sunday.